Entries for tag "Playstreet"

Playstreets 2019

This summer Queen Anne Greenways again held two Playstreets, closing a block of 1st Avenue West on Queen Anne, and filling the street with entertainment and education fun for the community.


We shared our booth with one of our sponsors, the Seattle Department of Transportation. SDOT provided some of the funding for the Playstreets this year.


One of our members, Michael Herschensohn, guided a button-works process that combined …

QA Greenways October 2016 Meeting

We had an informative meeting in the Aegis on Galer “Pike Market” meeting space.

Queen Anne Greenways

General Meeting Notes – October 25, 2016

We invited Cathy Tuttle, the Executive and Founding Director of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways (SNG) to present to our group

  • SNG was started 5 years ago
  • Advocates for safe and comfortable streets for all ages, to walk or bike to where they need/want to go.
  • Project type …